Part 91 Interchange Agreement

Part 91 Interchange Agreement: What You Need to Know

The aviation industry is a complex one, with various regulations and agreements in place to ensure safety and efficiency in the air. One such agreement is the Part 91 Interchange Agreement, which allows for the temporary transfer of aircraft between operators. In this article, we`ll discuss what the Part 91 Interchange Agreement is, how it works, and why it`s important.

What is the Part 91 Interchange Agreement?

The Part 91 Interchange Agreement is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulation that allows for the temporary transfer of aircraft between operators that hold an air carrier certificate or operating certificate under Part 121 or Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. In simpler terms, it allows one airline to lend or borrow an aircraft from another airline, as long as both airlines meet certain criteria.

How does it work?

In order for the Part 91 Interchange Agreement to be valid, both airlines must have a written agreement in place that outlines the terms of the transfer. This agreement must include information such as the dates of the transfer, the specific aircraft being transferred, and any maintenance or operational requirements that need to be met.

Additionally, both airlines must have similar operations, meaning that they must both hold an air carrier certificate or operating certificate under Part 121 or Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. This ensures that both airlines are subject to the same safety regulations and operational standards.

Why is it important?

The Part 91 Interchange Agreement is important for a few reasons. Firstly, it allows airlines to be more flexible in their operations. If one airline experiences a sudden increase in demand, for example, they can borrow an aircraft from another airline instead of having to purchase or lease a new one.

Secondly, the agreement helps to reduce costs for airlines. Purchasing or leasing aircraft can be a significant expense, and being able to borrow or lend aircraft can help to reduce the financial burden.

Finally, the agreement helps to ensure that all aircraft used in commercial operations are subject to the same safety and operational standards. The FAA closely regulates all airlines that hold an air carrier certificate or operating certificate under Part 121 or Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and the Part 91 Interchange Agreement ensures that these standards are maintained even when aircraft are being transferred between operators.

In conclusion, the Part 91 Interchange Agreement is an important regulation in the aviation industry that allows for the temporary transfer of aircraft between airlines, as long as certain criteria are met. This agreement helps to increase flexibility, reduce costs, and maintain safety and operational standards in the air.