University of Ontario Institute of Technology Collective Agreement

If you`re a student, staff member, or faculty at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), then you should be aware of the collective agreement. A collective agreement is a legally binding contract between an employer and union that outlines the terms and conditions of employment.

At UOIT, the collective agreement is between the university and the UOIT Faculty Association (UOITFA), the union that represents faculty and librarians. The current collective agreement is in effect from September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2021.

The collective agreement covers a range of topics, including salary, benefits, workload, and academic freedom. One of the key components of the collective agreement is the salary grid, which outlines the base salary for each rank and step of faculty and librarian positions. The salary grid takes into account years of experience and levels of education, among other factors.

The collective agreement also addresses benefits, including health and dental coverage, pensions, and leaves of absence. For example, faculty and librarians can take a variety of leaves, such as parental leave, sick leave, and bereavement leave. The collective agreement also outlines how much notice is required for taking a leave and how the leave is paid.

Another important aspect of the collective agreement is workload. The agreement sets out the maximum number of courses that faculty can teach, as well as the maximum number of students in each course. Faculty are also entitled to research and service time, which is factored into their workload.

The collective agreement also safeguards academic freedom, which is the right of faculty and librarians to engage in research, teaching, and other academic activities without fear of reprisal. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of both the university and the UOITFA to ensure academic freedom is respected.

In summary, the collective agreement at UOIT is an important document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of faculty and librarians. It covers salary, benefits, workload, and academic freedom, among other topics. If you`re a member of UOITFA or work at UOIT, it`s beneficial to understand the collective agreement and how it affects your employment.