Signed Offtake Agreement

Signed Offtake Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Businesses that operate in the manufacturing, mining, and energy sectors often enter into signed offtake agreements as a means of securing the sale of their products. Simply put, a signed offtake agreement is a legally binding contract between a seller of a product and a buyer that typically outlines the terms of sale, pricing, and quantity of products to be delivered.

In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide to understanding signed offtake agreements and their significance in the business world.

What is a Signed Offtake Agreement?

A signed offtake agreement is a legally binding contract between a seller and a buyer that outlines the terms governing the sale of a specific product. Typically, signed offtake agreements are used in industries that manufacture or extract resources, such as mining, oil, gas, and energy.

The agreement is signed by both parties, and the terms are negotiated to ensure that each party benefits from the transaction. In general, the buyer agrees to purchase a set quantity of a product from the seller over a specified period at an agreed-upon price.

Why Sign an Offtake Agreement?

The primary reason for signing a offtake agreement is to provide a level of certainty for both the buyer and the seller. By signing an agreement, the seller can secure a certain level of demand for their product, which is especially important in industries where production costs are high. On the other hand, the buyer can mitigate the risk of supply shortages and secure a stable supply of a critical material.

Signed offtake agreements provide a guarantee that the buyer will receive a quality product that meets their specific requirements. In addition, the agreement ensures that the seller is committed to supplying the agreed-upon product at a consistent level of quality, quantity, and price.

Key Elements to Include in a Signed Offtake Agreement

A signed offtake agreement typically includes several essential elements that must be clearly defined to ensure that both parties understand the terms of the agreement. These elements include:

1. Product Specifications – A detailed description of the product, including quality and quantity requirements, must be included in the offtake agreement.

2. Delivery Terms – The agreement should outline the delivery terms and schedule, including the delivery point and any logistics requirements.

3. Pricing – The pricing terms should be clearly defined, including the unit price, any variable price clauses, and payment terms.

4. Duration – The length of the agreement should be specified and may include renewal options.

5. Termination and Force Majeure – The agreement should outline the conditions under which the contract may be terminated and any circumstances beyond the control of either party, such as natural disasters or political unrest.


Signed offtake agreements are an essential tool for businesses operating in industries where production costs are high, and supply chain disruptions can be costly. These agreements provide a level of certainty for both the buyer and the seller, ensuring that each party benefits from the transaction. By including key elements in the offtake agreement, both parties can understand their obligations, and potential conflicts can be avoided. As a professional, I highly recommend that businesses seek the advice of legal professionals with expertise in this area before signing a offtake agreement.